The Benefits of Combining a Facelift and Neck Lift

Age, genetics, sun exposure and other factors can cause the skin on the face and neck to loosen, sag and wrinkle, making you look older and more tired than you feel. When this occurs, many people turn to a tried and true combination procedure to address these issues: a facelift and neck lift. This dynamic duo is so effective, most plastic surgeons now strongly recommend performing a facelift and a neck lift at the same time to achieve the most comprehensive, seamless, and youthful-looking results. Plus, when you combine the two procedures, you only have to undergo a single surgery and recovery period, which means a shorter time commitment and lower cost. Read on to see if combining a facelift and necklift may be right for you.

What’s the Difference between a Facelift and a Neck Lift?

As a standalone procedure, Facelift surgery (also known as rhytidectomy) elevates and reframes sagging skin and facial muscles on the lower two-thirds of the face. It improves facial sagging, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and restores the face to a more youthful shape. 

Neck lift surgery (also known as platysmaplasty) as a standalone plastic surgery procedure addresses loose neck skin and wrinkles, excess fat under the chin, sagging skin in the lower face, and muscle banding in the neck. 

What are the Benefits of Getting a Facelift and Necklift at the Same Time? 

The anatomy of the face and neck are unified. Many patients with lower facial sagging or wrinkles have visible signs of aging in the neck as well. By combining facelift surgery with neck lift surgery, you can achieve more thorough, natural-looking results and a wholly rejuvenated facial appearance.

Patients who opt for a facelift without a neck lift (or vice versa) may find that they still look older than they desire and imperfections in the untouched area may be highlighted, making signs of aging more noticeable than before. Addressing one area but not the other can lead to an unbalanced, unnatural appearance–such as a younger-looking face but loose skin on the neck.

A combination facelift and neck lift can help correct common concerns including:

  • Marionette lines (wrinkles at the corners of your mouth), nasolabial folds (creases in your skin extending from both sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth), and other wrinkles around the mouth

  • Sagging cheeks and jowls

  • Loss of definition along the jawline

  • Double chin or a “turkey neck”

  • Muscle banding (also known as neck wrinkles or platysma bands)

Undergoing a single combined procedure has other benefits as well. You’ll save money on anesthesia and operating room costs; and you’ll only have a single recovery period–saving you time, discomfort, and inconvenience.

What is Facelift/Necklift Surgery Like?

Dr. Ryan Moore uses a combination of local anesthesia and deep sedation or general anesthesia depending on your comfort level, which protects patients from adverse reactions to general anesthesia and helps to avoid its foggy “comedown” effects. 

During a combination facelift and neck lift procedure, fat in the face and neck may be sculpted, removed or moved. Facial skin is then re-draped over the newly repositioned contours of the face and excess skin is removed.

A combination facelift and neck lift surgery typically takes 4 to 6  hours, however, it may take longer if other cosmetic procedures are done at the same time, such as eyelid surgery, a lip lift, fat grafting or skin resurfacing.

What is Recovery Like after a Combination Facelift and Neck Lift?

After your surgery, you may experience mild to moderate discomfort, swelling and bruising. The incisions will be covered with bandages to provide gentle pressure to minimize swelling and bruising. A small drain will be placed behind one or both ears to drain excess fluid in the early recovery period. 

As long as you don’t have a strenuous job that involves heavy lifting, you may return to work after one week, but don't push yourself too hard or you could delay the healing process. With Dr. Moore’s permission, many patients can begin exercising after 4 to 6 weeks.

How Long Do Results Last?

A combination facelift and neck lift can make you look years younger and the results can be expected to last for 8-15 years. However, because the aging process can’t be stopped, the skin on the face and neck may begin to sag and wrinkle again over time.

Interested in Learning More About Facelifts and Neck Lifts in Orange County?

For the best facelift and neck lift results, it is important to choose an expert plastic surgeon who specializes in facial rejuvenation cosmetic surgery. Dr. Ryan Moore in Orange County, California is committed to providing high-quality patient care and the most natural-looking results. Schedule a consultation to discuss your expectations, concerns, and aesthetic goals and find out if a combination facelift and neck lift is right for you.

Cara T.

Founder of Left Lane Digital, a boutique digital marketing agency in San Diego offering a variety of affordable digital marketing services for small businesses and nonprofits.

When I'm not knee-deep in social media, web design, SEO, and blogging for my wonderful clients, I enjoy being outdoors, guzzling boba tea, volunteering, staying up late (probably because of the boba tea), hitting the free samples at Costco, and taking the occasional improv course to keep me on my toes. If you'd like to learn more about how my digital marketing services can help your business or nonprofit succeed, please feel free to contact me at

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